Sourcecomponents/prompts |
Sourcecomponents/prompts |
The Prompts component is used to display a predefined set of questions or suggestion that are relevant to the current context.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
classNames | Custom style class names for different parts of each prompt item. | Record<SemanticType, string> | - | - |
items | List containing multiple prompt items. | PromptProps[] | - | - |
prefixCls | Prefix for style class names. | string | - | - |
rootClassName | Style class name for the root node. | string | - | - |
styles | Custom styles for different parts of each prompt item. | Record<SemanticType, React.CSSProperties> | - | - |
title | Title displayed at the top of the prompt list. | React.ReactNode | - | - |
vertical | When set to true , the Prompts will be arranged vertically. | boolean | false | - |
wrap | When set to true , the Prompts will automatically wrap. | boolean | false | - |
onItemClick | Callback function when a prompt item is clicked. | (info: { data: PromptProps }) => void | - | - |
type SemanticType = 'list' | 'item' | 'content' | 'title' | 'subList' | 'subItem';
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
children | Nested child prompt items. | PromptProps[] | - | - |
description | Prompt description providing additional information. | React.ReactNode | - | - |
disabled | When set to true , click events are disabled. | boolean | false | - |
icon | Prompt icon displayed on the left side of the prompt item. | React.ReactNode | - | - |
key | Unique identifier used to distinguish each prompt item. | string | - | - |
label | Prompt label displaying the main content of the prompt. | React.ReactNode | - | - |
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