The ThoughtChain component is used to visualize and track the call chain of Actions and Tools invoked by an Agent.
Sourcecomponents/thought-chain |
Sourcecomponents/thought-chain |
Common props ref:Common props
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
collapsible | Whether collapsible | boolean | CollapsibleOptions | None | - |
classNames | Class names for semantic structure | Record<'item' | 'itemHeader' | 'itemContent' | 'itemFooter', string> | None | - |
items | Chain items | ThoughtChainItem[] | None | - |
prefixCls | Custom prefix | string | None | - |
rootClassName | Custom root class name | string | None | - |
size | Size | 'large' | 'middle' | 'small' | 'middle' | - |
styles | Styles for semantic structure | Record<'item' | 'itemHeader' | 'itemContent' | 'itemFooter', React.CSSProperties> | None | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
content | Thought chain item content | React.ReactNode | None | - |
description | Thought chain item description | React.ReactNode | None | - |
extra | Thought chain item extra content | React.ReactNode | None | - |
footer | Thought chain item footer | React.ReactNode | None | - |
icon | Thought chain item icon | React.ReactNode | None | - |
key | Unique identifier | string | None | - |
status | Thought chain item status | 'pending' | 'success' | 'error' | None | - |
title | Thought chain item title | React.ReactNode | None | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
expandedKeys | Current expanded keys | string[] | None | - |
onExpand | Callback function when expanded keys change | (expandedKeys: string[]) => void | None | - |